Systems, an Error in the Matrix?
Climate Change is a symptom.
Biodiversity Loss is a symptom.
Pollution is a symptom.
Energy efficiency, carbon capture, net-zero goals and forest protection
are solutions. Yet, the source of our environmental problems is an economy
whose markets and rationals are obsolete; they lack a broader scientific & social comprehension of the world. Human-systems should integrate two concepts, if we want to promote sustainable development and human security for future generations.
The first concept is
Planetary Biocapacity
In other words, the resiliency of our ecosystems - how much they can bear.
How many gases can we emit to the atmosphere?
How can we protect oceans of becoming disgraced but
full of life, beautiful, resilient and powerful?
How can we enhance soil fertility and which techniques should implement to maintain
a constant regeneration rate?
How should we manage landscapes, forests, wild animals and rivers to not break, but
feed the cycles and the equilibrium of biodiversity?
The second concept is
Rational Use of Natural Resources
Our current socioeconomic metabolism has reached an unsustainable rate,
leaving behind an ecological footprint of two, three or even four time the size of our planet.
To ensure that future generation have decent and wellbeing living standards
it is important to align the human-demand with nature's supply - or capacity to supply.
Some questions of relevance...
How can we socially innovate to take a step towards sustainability?
Where is value generated for current and future generations?
How do we measure economic and social performance?
How is peace, security and integrity ensured at a societal level?
Who is writing your future?