What is Regenerative Agriculture?
A new farming system.
A response to the actual global problems.
A farmer's proposal.
Scientifically proven techniques and methodologies that improve:
soil fertility
ecosystem biodiversity and resilience
water use efficiency
farmer's economic stability
*Multi-Farms Enterprise Design, Alley cropping & Silvopastoral Agroforestry Systems*
*Keyline Water Management, Swales & Ponds systems*
*Pasture-Based Livestock & Integrated Holistic Management*
*Green manures, Cover Crops & Minimum Tillage*
*No-dig Market Gardening & Edible Ecosystems Design*
"With the implementation of the right tools and techniques, farmers can create a permanent carbon stock in the soil, offering climate protection while producing goods for the local community and being a profitable business."
Agriculture becomes an activity with a
Climate Positive Impact
and creates a real solution to
Food Sovereignty

Showcases around the Globe
Mark Shepard
Richard Perkins
Marc Gràcia
(Catalunya, Spain)
To Farm & To Be a Farmer; What it means to me.
2021. Barcelona.

If I was to start my own farm, I would want it to practise regenerative techniques in order offer climate protection, soil restoration, resilient biodiverse landscapes and nutrient-dense products. At the same time, there is a big gap between farmers and urban citizens. That is mainly due to a poor or inexistent cultural and social exchange between them. I want people to appreciate farmers and get closer to their experience of life. I want people to see joy and beauty in our fields.
On my last year I was at a farm in south of Germany - Hof Lebensberg - and it was a busy year with a lot of work to set up a 11ha agroforestry system, a 0,5 ha Market Garden with a greenhouse and a holistic management with 600 chickens within the agroforestry. It was a hell of work!, but every day I would learn something, which I really appreciate.
At Hof Lebensberg I was first planting and coordinating the volunteers team during the winter plantation that went from December 2021 to end of March 2022. Those were crazy days getting the boots on every morning to plant trees on wet, muddy, windy, cold conditions. A total of 30.000 trees in 4 months!
Directly after that, we did some research and we bought fertile eggs. In spring, I hatched and raised hundreds of chicks in warm and cosy conditions. Then I took them out for the first time into grass! Every day a new patch of grass to select the best insects and leaves. We did three batches of chicks with the help of some other volunteers and members of the farm community. It was a unique experience.
A big reason why farming awakes interest in me is the fact that while doing it you are actually facing many aspects of ecology. A farmer should understand plant interactions and soil activity. A farmer should understand genetic selection and plagues. The farmer's day is faced with complex questions that don't have an easy answer. It is sometimes harsh and at the same time it is beautiful and magic. And every day a farmer is faced with the beauties of nature.
To farm means to be engaged with your community. To farm means to be part of the solution.
To farm means to be free and passionate. To farm means
to feel alive.