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To tackle Climate Change, Ecosystem Integrity and Future Security

                     & to boost Health and Wellbeing


Mediterranean Tiny Forests is the adaptation of the Japanese method 

called "Miyawaki" to create fast-growing forests in mediterranean urban areas. 

Its multifunctional design makes it easy to adapt to different settlements climatic conditions, terrains, social purposes and customers. 

Tiny Forests create substantial improvements in air quality, temperature regulation, climate resiliency, aesthetics and biodiversity. 

They are designed with the participation of local stakeholders to have a 

social impact and to promote health and wellbeing.


Landscape Assessments

Landscapes assessments with GIS and field surveys to detect potential environmental, economic and social risks as well as strategic solutions and management options for a better and more future-proof landscape design.


Biodiversity Assessments

Biodiversity is the foremost basic structure for an ecosystem to function.  I use several indicators to evaluate and assess biodiversity and the health of an ecosystem or natural area, together with a management strategy.


Education Programs

The first step for achieving sustainability is to value the natural richness that surrounds us.

I design and provide services, products and programs to promote environmental education and citizen participation in data gathering for science programs.

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